Rod tip protectors
Made from 210D waterproof high quality neoprene material with velcro fasteners. Each set comes with a tip and butt protector. One of our most popular items!
In der einzigartigen Fox Camo-Tarnfarbe- Versteifte Endkappe zum Schutz der Rutenspitze- Obere 8cm sind verstärkt gepolstert- Klettband zum Fixieren unter dem Spitzenring- Extralang zum Anpassen an verschiedene Rutenteile- 1 vorbehandeltes 5Denier-Polyester. Padded sheaths for protecting the tips and spigots of a folded down rod.
Excellent value for money. Find great deals on eBay for rod tip protectors and rod bands. Simple strap fitting and very effective, these are ideal for use with our Roving quiver and RS quivers. Angelrutenschutz aus Neopren und Nylon im 2er Set von Behr Dieser Rutenschutz schützt Ihre Ruten beim Transport Durch das Klettband können Sie. Sehr gut gepolsterte Schutzhülle für Rutenspitzen und Rutenhandteile in Verbindung mit dem Rod Sleeve Länge: ca 36cm VE Stück.
If you like to keep your rods made up between trips or when moving swims then our Tip Protectors are an. Rod tip protectors are joined by heavy duty elastic to fit all rods from 10ft to 13ft. Designed to protect the ends of made-up rods in transit.
Rod Tip Protectors provide an additional layer of protection where it matters most - at the end of the rod! The base sleeve has an adjustable cord for tightening whilst the tip sleeve has a Velcro tightening str. Free shipping in the UK for orders over £20!
Neoprene tip safes - Snug fit helps keep rod sections safe in transit - Tip and butt protectors in each pack - Stamped with the Korda logo. A set of green tip and butt protectors to protect and hold together made up rods. Solid end to protect rod tipsVelcro securing strapExtra-long. Fishing rod tip covers protect your fishing rod tips from being damaged.
Deze dik gevoerde rod tip protectors beveiligen je hengels tijden vervoer. Buitenkant is van stevig canvas. Klitteband om vast te zetten. Geen specificaties gevonden. Maße: x 5cm … mehr anzeigen.
Sie haben Fragen zum Produkt oder wünschen detailliertere . Made from a neoprene construction with a webbing strap which fastens . Northwater make paddle britches, designed for storing spare split paddles on the bow of a sea kayak. These also double up as useful rod tip protectors !
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